勤慎论道 第八十六讲:Prof. AtsuhiroOsuka谈“Synthetic Porphyrinoid Chemistry”
题目:Synthetic Porphyrinoid Chemistry
报告人: Prof. AtsuhiroOsuka
地点:仓前校区 勤园17-208
报告人简介:AtsuhiroOsuka was born in Gamagori, Aichi in 1954. He received his PhD degree from Kyoto University in 1982 on photochemistry of epoxyquinones. In 1979, he started an academic career at the Department of Chemistry of Ehime University as an assistant professor. In 1984, he moved to the Department of Chemistry of Kyoto University, where he became a professor of chemistry in 1996. He was awarded the CSJS Award for Young Chemists in 1988 and the Japanese Photochemistry Association Award in 1999, the NOZOE Memorial Lectureship Award in 13th ISNA conference in 2009, the Chemical Society of Japan Award in 2010, and the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2019. He was selected as a project leader of Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of JST in 2001-2006. His research interests cover many aspects of synthetic approaches toward artificial photosynthesis and development of porphyrin-related compounds with novel structures, electronic systems, and functions.
AtsuhiroOsuka教授此前为日本京都大学化学教授,2020年入选国家高层次人才,全职加入湖南师范大学。Osuka教授担任《Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines》副主编,《Chemical Communications》、《Chemistry-An Asian journal》、《Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry》等国际期刊咨询委员会委员。Osuka教授一直致力于卟啉及其类似的合成与性能研究,在Science、Chemical Society Reviews、Journal of the American Chemistry Society、Angewandte Chemistry International Edition等化学国际顶级期刊发表论文及综述800余篇,著作11本,H指数92。