勤慎论道 第一百五十八讲 洪学传教授谈“近红外二区染料激发态释能调控与细胞器靶向诊疗”

来源 : 材化学院     作者 : 材化学院     时间 : 2023-10-12     


报 告 人:洪学传 教授



报告地点:杭州师范大学仓前校区 勤园17-208

邀 请 人:李世军 教授


   教育部国家重大人才工程特聘教授 (2018),湖北省楚天学者特聘教授(2011),武汉市 “黄鹤英才”人才计划(2014),武汉大学珞珈学者特聘教授(2016),全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单(2020,2021),IAAM Young Scientist Award (2023),Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry(2021)国际先进材料学会会士(2023),西藏自治区科学技术奖一等奖(2021),中华中医药学会科学技术奖二等奖(2022),主要从事可视化小分子靶向药物研究。近5年已在Nat. Mater.、Nat. Commun.、 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J Med Chem、Chem. Sci.等本领域顶级刊物发表SCI论文50余篇。申请专利20余项,获授权专利16项,包括2项国际专利。


         NIR-II fluorophores have shown great promise for biomedical applications with superior in vivo optical properties. Very recently, there has been an upsurge of interdisciplinary study focusing on developing versatile types of inorganic/organic fluorophores that can be used for non-invasive NIR-II imaging with low tissue auto-fluorescence and deeper tissue penetration. In this talk, we will provide an overview of the reports published to date on the design, properties, and molecular imaging of organic NIR-II fluorophores. Then, we will present the novel imaging modalities and versatile biomedical applicants brought by these superior fluorescent properties. Finally, we will report the development of D-A type thiopyrylium-based NIR-II fluorophores with frequency upconversion luminescence. H4-PEG-PT, H4-PEG-Glu, and SP@HD-PEG can not only quickly and effectively image mitochondria in live or fixed osteosarcoma cells with subcellular resolution, but also efficiently achieving mitochondria-targeted cancer therapy or image-guided rapid pulmonary coronavirus inactivation.