勤慎论道 第一百八十六讲 刘小刚教授谈“Lanthanide Transducers for Advanced Imaging and Assistive Technology”

来源 : 材化学院     作者 : 材化学院     时间 : 2023-11-03     

报告题目Lanthanide Transducers for Advanced Imaging and Assistive Technology

报 告 人:刘小钢(LIU Xiaogang

报告人单位:National University of Singapore


报告地点:仓前校区 勤园 17-208室

人:章鹏飞 教授



刘小钢,新加坡国立大学教授、新加坡国家科学院院士。2004年在美国西北大学(Northwestern University)获得化学博士学位,2004-2006年在麻省理工学院从事博士后研究,2006年加入新加坡国立大学。主要从事镧系掺杂纳米材料能量转移、光学纳米材料在神经调节和光成像中应用、催化表面科学、先进X-射线成像闪烁体开发及辅助技术电子工具原型设计等方面的研究。近五年来,在生物成像及红外上转换发光材料领域取得了多项重大技术突破,在Nature、Science、Nature Chemistry、Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Materials等国际顶级学术期刊上发表论文120多篇,被引用1.7万多次,连续多年被汤姆森路透集团统计为国际高被引学者,曾担任西北工业大学长江学者(2018-2023),获英国皇家化学会《Chemical Society Reviews 》新科学家奖(2012)、新加坡国立大学杰出研究员奖(2017)、新加坡总统科学与科技奖(2016)及SNIC-AsCA2019新加坡固态化学与材料奖(2023)等奖多项。


     Imaging technology has transformed our perception and understanding of the world. From medical diagnoses to astronomical discoveries, advancements in imaging devices and methods have led to breakthroughs in a variety of fields. Whether it is detecting cancer at an early stage or capturing the magnificence of distant galaxies, imaging has become an indispensable tool for researchers and practitioners alike. As we push the boundaries of what is possible, the field of imaging continues to evolve, leading to increasingly sophisticated devices and techniques. A rapidly growing field of research with immense potential is lanthanide doping in optical nanomaterials. This approach promises to significantly enhance image resolution and enable a wide range of new applications. Lanthanides, when used as dopants, possess a remarkable ability to absorb and emit light at specific wavelengths spanning from X-rays to mid-infrared. This property can be precisely controlled by choosing the appropriate lanthanide ion. Consequently, lanthanides are valuable for frequency conversion, where light of one color is transformed into an entirely new radiance when it interacts with lanthanide transducers. Among the exciting avenues to be explored, photon upconversion shines as a particularly promising area of research. It involves the conversion of low-energy photons into higher-energy photons, opening up new possibilities for imaging, bio-detection, therapy, and even the ethereal realm of X-ray scintillation. Moreover, I will present recent efforts to develop prototype electronic assistive technologies that demonstrate their transformative power and ability to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. I will embark on a journey through these enchanting realms of frequency conversion, casting light upon recent breakthroughs and unveiling the profound possibilities that await us. With each step forward, we forge a path toward a future where science and technology intertwine, ushering a new era of discovery, empowerment, and boundless potential.