
来源 : 材化学院     作者 : 材化学院     时间 : 2024-04-28     


祝鼎成 博士 副教授

  联系方式: zhudc@hznu.edu.cn


        工学博士,2021年入职杭州师范大学,加入材料与化学化工学院刘俊秋教授)领导的“仿生功能材料创新团队”,担任副教授职位。入职以来共主持了4项国家、省、市级项目,评为2023年度杭州市城西科创大走廊(海外)青年人才,入选了2024年浙江省青年科技人才引育工程库,是2023年“杭州市领军型创新创业团队引进培育计划”的核心成员,被认定为杭州市高层次c类人才。累计在材料科学、高分子科学、医/药学、应用化学等多学科交叉的国际综合性和专业性期刊上发表论文28篇,其中以第一(含共同)身份发表论文7篇,以通讯作者身份发表论文5篇,包括Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Biomaterials等知名学术期刊。是MDPI出版社评审委员会成员、Frontiers in Materials期刊“手性纳米颗粒”专题的客座副编辑,受邀在两次国际会议上做口头报告。研究方向为研发远程无线遥控钙信号调控体系,调控细胞内离子浓度与细胞通讯,控制细胞和活体行为。





          2.2017.10-2020.12,德国汉堡大学,博士后,导师:Wolfgang Parak











       1. Zherui Zhang, Yuhao Luo, Yuanhong Ma, Yaofeng Zhou, Dingcheng Zhu*, Wanhua Shen*, Junqiu Liu*. Photocatalytic manipulation of Ca2+ signaling for regulating cellular and animal behaviors via MOF-enabled H2O2 generation. Sci. Adv. 2024, 10, eadl0263. (IF: 13.6)

      2. Cong Li, Yaqi Wu, Yihang Zhu, Jing Yan, Shengda Liu, Jiayun Xu, Shixin Fa, Tengfei Yan,* Dingcheng Zhu,* Yi Yan,* and Junqiu Liu*, Molecular motor-driven light-controlled logic-gated K+ channel for cancer cell apoptosis. Adv. Mater. 2024, 231252. (IF: 29.4)

        3. Yaqi Wu, Cong Li, Yanliang Wu, Jiayun Xu, Zhigang Ni, Ofer Reany, Tengfei Yan,* Dingcheng Zhu,* and Junqiu Liu*. A reversible light-driven biomimetic K+/Na+-exchanger controls cancer cell apoptosis. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2400432. (IF: 19.0)

      4. Dingcheng Zhu*, Huijie Yan, Yaofeng Zhou, Leroy M. Nack, Junqiu Liu, Wolfgang Parak, Design of disintegratable nanoassemblies to release multiple small-sized nanoparticles. Adv. Drug. Deliv. Rev. 2023, 197, 114854. (IF: 16.1)

      5.Dingcheng Zhu, Lili Feng, Neus Feliu, Andreas H. Guse, Wolfgang J. Parak*, Stimulation of local cytosolic calcium release by photothermal heating for studying intra- and inter-cellular calcium waves. Adv. Mater. 2021, 200826. (IF: 29.4)  

     6. Dingcheng Zhu, Huijie Yan, Zhuxian Zhou, Jianbin Tang, Xiangrui Liu, Raimo Hartmann, Wolfgang J. Parak, Youqing Shen*, Neus Feliu*, Influence of the modulation of the protein corona on gene expression using polyethylenimine (PEI) polyplexes as delivery vehicle. Adv. Healthcare Mater., 2021, 10, e2100125 (IF: 10.0).

      7. Nico Brkovic, Li Zhang, Jan N. Peters, Stephan Kleine-Doepke, Wolfgang J. Parak, Dingcheng Zhu*, Quantitative assessment of the release kinetics of various polymer-encapsulated molecular cargos by photothermal heating. SMALL, 2020, 16, 2003639 (IF: 13.3).

     8. Guowei Wang,# Dingcheng Zhu# (co-first authors), Zhuxian Zhou*, Ying Piao, Jianbin Tang, Youqing Shen*, A glutathione-specific and intracellularly labile polymeric nanocarrier for efficient and safe cancer gene delivery, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 14825-14838 (IF: 10.383).

       9. Dingcheng Zhu, Sathi Roy, Ziyao Liu, Horst Weller, Wolfgang J Parak, Neus Feliu*, Remotely controlled opening of delivery vehicles and release of cargo by external triggers, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2019, 138, 117-132. (IF: 16.1)

      10. Huijie Yan#, Dingcheng Zhu# (co-first authors), Zhuxian Zhou*, Xin Liu, Ying Piao, Zhen Zhang, Xiangrui Liu, Jianbin Tang, Youqing Shen*, Facile synthesis of semi-library of low charge density cationic polyesters from poly(alkylene maleate)s for efficient local gene delivery. Biomaterials, 2018, 178, 559-569. (IF: 14.0).

     11. Dingcheng Zhu, Huijie Yan, Zhuxian Zhou, Jianbin Tang, Xiangrui Liu, Raimo Hartmann, Wolfgang J. Parak, Neus Feliu*, Youqing Shen*, Detailed investigation on how the protein corona modulates the physicochemical properties and gene delivery of polyethylenimine (PEI) polyplexes. Biomater. Sci. 2018, 6, 1800-1817. (IF: 6.6)

      12. Dingcheng Zhu, Huijie Yan, Xin Liu, Jiajia Xiang, Zhuxian Zhou*, Jianbin Tang, Xiangrui Liu, Youqing Shen*, Intracellular disintegratable polysulfoniums for efficient gene delivery. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1606826. (IF: 19.0)